Hyper camera 4×5 mark 3 basic vs advanced

Ciao ragazzi!

Today I will summarize in a video the main differences between the basic and advanced models of the Hyper camera 4×5 mark 3 butterfly wings, I have already made specific videos for each of the models you will see today, however, I have received many questions and I hope to answer everyone.

The three main differences are:

1) focus glass material: 3 mm frosted glass for the basic while the advanced mounts a super bright plastic screen with fresnel lens

2) focusing system: on the advanced model the rear standard moves through a worm screw placed under the glass, on the basic model instead the stands move by hand, the minimum and maximum extension do not change between the two models

3) color: the basic is only in natural wood color, while the advanced model is also available in black.

In this video I also wanted to further underline the most important difference between the basic mark 2 and mark 3, or the possibility of mounting graflock backs (in mark 2 it was not possible, on the mark 3 butterfly wings yes).

Hyper camera 4×5 butterfly wings basic: https://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/hyper-camera-4×5-butterfly-wings-mark-3-basic/

Hyper camera 4×5 butterfly wings advanced: https://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/hyper-camera-4×5-butterfly-wings-mark-3-advanced/

See you on the next video


Oggi riassumerò in un video le principali differenze tra i modelli basic e advanced della Hyper camera 4×5 mark 3 butterfly wings, ho già realizzato dei video specifici per ognuno dei modelli che vedrete oggi però ho ricevuto molte domande e spero di rispondere a tutti.

Le tre principali differenze sono:

1) materiale del vetro di messa a fuoco: vetro smerigliato di 3 mm per la basic mentre la advanced monta uno schermo in materiale plastico super brillante con lente di fresnel

2) sistema di messa a fuoco: sul modello advanced la standarta posteriore si muove tramite una vite senza fine posta sotto il vetro, sul modello basic invece le standarte si muovo a mano, l’estensione minima e massima non cambiano tra i due modelli

3) colore: la basic è solo in colore legno naturale, mentre per il modello advanced è disponibile anche la colorazione in nero.

In questo video inoltre ho voluto sottolineare ulteriormente la differenza più importante tra la basic mark 2 e mark 3, ovvero la possibilità di montare dorsi graflock (nella mark 2 non era possibile, sulla mark 3 butterfly wings sì).

Hyper camera 4×5 butterfly wings basic: https://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/hyper-camera-4×5-butterfly-wings-mark-3-basic/

Hyper camera 4×5 butterfly wings advanced: https://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/hyper-camera-4×5-butterfly-wings-mark-3-advanced/

Ci vediamo nel prossimo video

New folding camera!!!! Leonardo 8×10

Ciao ragazzi!!!

first video of 2020 and first new camera!

We are in Vinci, near my home and my workspace, where Leonardo da Vinci was born, to commemorate the 500 years since the master’s death and dedicate an 8×10 camera, the new Leonardo 8×10 folding camera.

In the next few days of the video test with Giulio Speranza who was causally around here 🙂

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