full movements!!! – 8×10 Tailboard camera

Despite the full emergency covid19 I continue to work, today in fact we have a great return, the 8×10 Tailboard camera with all the movements.

I had already show you this camera, as you know it is modular, so we can add extensions and change the standards (from those without movements to those with movements) and even increase the format (one at most above the initial), but in the previous ones video I had never shown you the camera in its TOP version, that is with the movements both in front and behind.

Enjoy it


Nonostante la piena emergenza covid19 continuo a lavorare, oggi infatti abbiamo un grande ritorno, la Tailboard camera 8×10 con tutti i movimenti.

Questa fotocamera l’avevo già presentata, come sapete è modulare, quindi possiamo aggiungere estensioni e cambiare le standarde (da quelle senza movimenti a quelle con i movimenti) e addirittura incrementare il formato (uno al massimo sopra l’iniziale), però nei precedenti video non vi avevo mai fatto vedere la fotocamera nella sua versione TOP, ovvero con i movimenti sia davanti che dietro.

Buona visione


product link:

[button_1 text=”Tailboard%20camera” text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”https://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/stenopeika-tailboard-camera-configuration/”/]
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